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Sylvan's Cradle - House Divided Quest

Hello - I currently cannot make progress to the quest "A House Divided" in Sylvan's Cradle. I have already spoken to Kloka Anna and received her portion of the quest, but when I go to speak to Myriam there is no prompt to click on to get her to talk about the divide... which means the progress stays at 0/1 on the quest screen. I also cannot speak to her husband to get the glyph achievement. The only reason I know about this is because my partner and I are playing together and their achievements/quests went through while mine did not appear.

I have tried resting in this world, resting in our Abeyance, turning off the game itself, closing/re-opening the portal, and even closing this portal to put in another portal to load and then putting in Sylvan's cradle again just to see if any of that would reset everything. No luck. Will likely not continue until this is resolved because we both are achievement hunters and it's tough to get achievements when the quests won't work. (': Beautiful game, just a bit frustrating on this front.

Mode Online
Impact I cannot play or progress
Category Tags Quests, NPCs
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Minor Realm Cards None
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    • Guest
      Sep 25, 2024

      Do you have the necessary trigger conditions?

      For example to talk to the husband about the glyph you must first see the specific glyph. To progress House Divided you must first learn more about the corruption.

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