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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 26, 2024

Missing Augment Blueprints in Professions Unlocks

Several Augments are missing, eg: Refined Science Augment + Excellent Science Augment. This means to make 80 oil on an Excellent Mortar Station it takes 30 real world minutes to process because only Simple Science Augment can be applied.

The benches say they take Refined + Excellent augments in the menu but those augments no longer exist since Essence Traders were removed as the Blueprint source.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Building, Inventory
Realms Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards Artisan
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  • Guest
    Sep 26, 2024

    I don't think this is a bug as much as it's a work in progress. Also if you sleep you advance the crafting, very helpful for long/large number crafts.