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Mystic Axe and Mystic Mining Pick are showing up backwards for applying the Charm of Mining and Charm of the Lumberjack.

Mystic Axe and Mystic Mining Pick are showing up backwards for applying the Charm of Mining and Charm of the Lumberjack. The Mining Pick is not showing in my inventory when I go to apply the Charm of Mining, but the Axe is. Also when I go to apply the Charm of the Lumberjack the Mystic Axe is missing and the Mystic Mining Pick is showing.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Inventory, Tools/Gear
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle
Minor Realm Cards None
Steps to Reproduce Right click on Charm of Mining, Select Apply, and the Mystic Mining Pick does not show in the list.
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