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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2024

Sequence Break for "Into the Darkness" Quest

You can sequence break the "Into the Darkness" quest in Gloriana's Tears by climbing over the barrier. This breaks the quest if you complete the site of power before breaking the seals. You can fix it by resetting the realm, but then you have to do everything over again. I do hope this gets fixed so that it isn't possible to sequence break at all, though.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Quests
Realms Gloriana's Tears
Steps to Reproduce Use climbing picks to skip the barrier at the Sorrowful site of power in Gloriana's Tears
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  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    Not sure I understand feedback like this. You deliberately bypass a barrier, don't get to the end, then complain you have to do it all over again for the quest.

    Before the boss fight to unlock the realm there is a teleporter point so once you reach that, next time you can just jump to the boss fight. Does that not work? That's what people use to farm the boss fight for mats repeatedly.