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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2024

Delete hotkey stops working intermittently in Build Edit mode

  1. Hit X key to enter build edit mode.

  2. Hover over item to delete.

  3. Hit L. Control key on keyboard (my delete hotkey in build edit mode)

  4. Instead of deleting the build item, dash off a floating POI and die. -_-

  5. Add my own tears to Gloriana's.

Current workaround:
Quit Game to Main Menu. Relog and repair. Cross fingers and hope I don't dash off a POI and die again.

Mode Online
Impact It's difficult to play or progress
Category Tags Building, Controls
Realms Gloriana's Tears
Minor Realm Cards Utopia
Steps to Reproduce This is an INTERMITTENT bug. I have not found exact circumstances to consistently reproduce the issue.
  • Attach files