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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 27, 2024

(minor bug) Fishing Trophy Augment doesn't work on stone walls

I was trying to make a spreadsheet for the augments for the workbench. The Boat wheel and fishing trophies give the same augment, but when placed on a solid crude stone wall, the fish trophy doesn't work.

I believe it's because the trophy gets embedded in the stone walls geometry a bit, as it works when it's the middle of a crude picture window and any wall with flat geometry.

The boat wheel sticks out from the wall so doesn't get embedded.

This happens with all the fishing trophies I have unlocked so far.

Mode Online
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting, Visual/Art, Collisions
Steps to Reproduce Create a room with crude stone walls and a workbench. Place trophy on wall. Put trophy in middle of picture window or replace walls with flatter geometry and it works again.
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