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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 2, 2024

Forge Card and Lumber Card may have unexpected effects

If you play a Forge card, then make some ingots that recieve bonus stats, then set another card and try to make a component (say wire) with the card improved ingots, the ingots revert back to their original state and create wire with the stats of a regular ingot.

If you keep the Forge card active and male the wire, then make a filigree, the filigree will retain the enhanced stats and cary them to the final product.

Lumber Mill card seems to do the same thing. Of you turn wood into lumber with Lumber Mill card active, then remove the Lumber Mill card and try to turn the wood lumber into carved wood, the stats reset. If you leave the Lumber Mill card active and make the carved wood, the stats carry over to the carved wood.

With either Forge or Lumber Mill card active guilded lumber resets to base stats and will not carry over bonus Lumber or Ingot stats.

A friend and I tried it mutiple times and the restuts were in consistent. This meakes me feel like the cards are not working as designed, or something may be wrong with the bonuses applied by the cards.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Crafting, Resources
Realms Other
Minor Realm Cards Lumber Mill, Forge
Steps to Reproduce Steps are provided in the explanation
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  • Guest
    Oct 5, 2024

    I am having the same issue. Also the Lumber Mill card does not show any increased stats on the lumber created, but it will not stack with the previous lumber as the game is registering it as different stats.