When I swing my axepick, pick, hammer or any tool with a downward swing I get "air swings". Because of this it is difficult to repair anything that is foundation level. Difficult and sometimes impossible to mine ore (especially tier 5 ore). Difficult to break floors that are meant to be broken.
Mode | Online |
Impact | It's difficult to play or progress |
Category Tags | Resources, Farming, Collisions, Movement, Tools/Gear, Difficulty |
Realms | The Gauntlet, Hollowed Moor, Gloriana's Tears, The Watch, Sylvan’s Cradle, Other, Abeyance, Magwytch Marshes, Welkin’s Reach, Tutorial |
Minor Realm Cards | Maleficiate Apogean, Tavern, Settler Apogean, Harvester's Workshop, Dragon's Hoard, Dragon's Hoard Apogean, Quarry, Hunter Eminent, Alchemist, Industry, Settler, Ghost, Utopia, Maleficiate, Feast, Angler, Farm, Blunderbuss, Amphibious, Marksman, Blood Moon, Greenhouse, Thinned Veil, Utopia Apogean, Weighted Eminent, Lumber Mill, Bulwark's Workshop, Tempest Eminent, Settler Eminent, Tempest Apogean, Trickster, Artisan, Weighted, Duelist, Dragon's Hoard Eminent, Outlaw, Combatant's Workshop, Hearth, Tempest, Treasury Eminent, Blood Moon Apogean, Fortitude, Might, Explorer, Deep Fae Wilds, Treasury, Blood Moon Eminent, Explorer Eminent, Forge, Hunter |