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Workspace Bugs
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 5, 2024

Plants showing through foundation

When placing foundation blocks some plants will clip through the floor. More of an annoyance / inconvenience more than anything.

Furthermore, sometimes they'll disappear for a moment when hitting the floor with a sickle. Specifically, the alternative attack where you throw the sickle out. Does not always cause plants to disappear.

Some plants, not all, will disappear when getting closer to the plant that is clipping through the foundation floor.

I play on all "Balanced" graphics with the exception of view distance being on "Quality".
Adjusted settings to test on all presets from "Performance" to "Ultra Quality" and the issue persisted through each graphical setting.

Mode Both Online & Offline
Impact It doesn't impact my ability to play or progress
Category Tags Visual/Art, Other, Building, Collisions
Realms Sylvan’s Cradle, Abeyance
Minor Realm Cards Artisan
Steps to Reproduce Place a foundation block over plants that cannot be removed. You will see them clipping through the floor of the foundation
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  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2024

    Oh, this is one huge pet peeve of mine. There are even spots where it doesn't show plants poking through when I'm up close, but as soon as I walk away, all the plants just start poking on through again. It wouldn't be so bad if they were the kind I could pick for fiber to make them go away, but nope.

    Foundations should absolutely block plants.