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Estate Cairn should despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies

Please allow the Estate Cairn, to completely despawn any/all Creatures/Enemies in the vacinity of the Estate Cairn that would include non-aggro as well as aggro mobs - such as Deer, Pig, Beezleboar, Bound, Carnute, etc.

I have a Respite in a T3 Herb Forest that I chose, right at the edge of a lake, without any animals to bother me. I decided to find this exact location in a T4 realm, and remake my home, so I can take advantange of the materials generally, like fishing. So, I decided to go on a portal hopping hunt for this exact map.

Out of approximately 200 Asc. Herb Forest Realm Cards, I found about 15 realms that had the same map. Out of these, 98% of this spot I liked, there was always either a pack of Deer there, Pigs, Beezleboar, or even a Carnute that wandered all around this spot. I tried everything to get rid of the Deer ... from building a home on top of their spawn, only to find they only moved next to it but never solving the problem. I tried creating eye-soar looking walls to keep the Carnute out. It detoured its pathing but it still came right into my respite area, so this method I just couldn't live with either. Placing an Estate Cairn down does absolutely nothing for Deer & Carnute, not sure about Pigs or Wolves.

I found 1 zone out of these 15 that had 1 Beezleboar at it. Placing an Estate Cairn seemed to despawn the Beezleboar, being they might be tagged as an "aggro type" mob, along with Bound mobs? So, I am going to hope placing this unused Estate Cairn will help out, even though it isn't where I want the Estate Cairn to be.

Bottom line, I could of saved many hours, many zone searching, if I would had been able to place an Estate Cairn down that would had despawned any/all Creatures/Enemies that the Estate Cairn would affect on its area. But currently, it seems to only affect Bound & Beezleboar (though questionable).

On the plus side, this would no longer be an issue of Deer running inside your home or hanging out on your roof.

Thank you! <3

Category Tags Building, Respite Spawn Point, Creatures/Enemies, Respite Realm
Mode Online
Sentiment Feature Request
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