The spyglass is already very useful for finding creatures out in the wild that are either behind terrain or too far away to pick out visually. However, aside from a bit of passive stats there's nothing that really incentivizes upgrading from the basic model.
My suggestion is to introduce a selection of craftable "Lens" upgrades for the spyglass, that would fit into the otherwise unused Enchantment/Ammo slots on the item. In the same way one uses R to select a differnt spell or ammo type, one could change out an attached Lens to alter the spyglass's field of view to pick out different types of resources -- ore/rock/gem, valuable/tier wood, valuable/tier plant fibre, etc. -- instead of creatures (until you swap back to the "creature" variant, of course). To prevent utterly flooding the display it wouldn't bother with common/crude types, only named, specific resources (or perhaps even only T5 POIs, if restricting it to tiered resources is still too much label bloat).
The number of additional attached lenses could scale based on Tier of spyglass if desired, or it could simply be an extra feature available to all spyglass varieties. Either way, this would bring the tools available for gem/ore/fiber resource hunting on par with that of hides/meat/bone.
Category Tags | UI/UX, Crafting, Tools/Gear |
Sentiment | Feature Request |
This is a really good idea!
I also (personally) think it would be nice if upgraded spyglasses could zoom in further than the lower-tier ones? I often find that the maximum zoom option is still too zoomed out from whatever it is that I'm trying to get a better look at. Not the end of the world as I can, of course, move myself physically closer to things to better view them but a magnification upgrade would still be cool.
Very nice idea, what about of T1 spyglass only show plants, T2 plants and rocks, T3 plants rocks and creatures.
Lens will higlight specific ressources or POI ?
Any poi has its own lens or lens per category ?