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toggle craft from storage at the table

Please let us toggle craft from storage somewhere in the UI of crafting stations rather than only in the storage UI. Often we've got a very specific set of materials we go in planning to use, and sifting through everything in all the various chests in the area to get to them is just unnecesary.

I love craft from storage and use it constantly on the refining stations, but at the sewing and workbenches in particular, every time I approach that table I've already put time into planning what I want to build and exactly what components I'm going to use to build it. I've put time into one by one going to all the refining stations involved and putting together a specific set of components crafted in their various particular combinations, and by the time I'm walking up to that workbench or sewing bench those components are all in my inventory.

I can't imagine most other players walk up with no plan and just craft their gear with whatever happens to be in their storage, and I strongly suspect the majority walk up immediately after crafting the required components and thus most likely already have them in their own inventories, like me.

I want to disable craft from storage on those two tables, so that when I select the schematic, the only items that appear in the drop-downs are the ones I brought for this particular task.

Category Tags Crafting
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    • Guest
      Nov 28, 2024

      In summary, he wants a sorting option that shows only what items are in one's inventory while crafting.

      I like crafting from my many storage chests the way it is now.