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Suggestion: Addition of a Bestiary or Compendium

It would be really cool to have some kind of compendium that records resources and monsters/wildlife that the player encounters, as the player encounters them. Things that haven't been found yet obviously shouldn't show up ( could be marked as just '????' maybe? ) but if I've killed a Harpy, for example, and gotten its meat, a tab in the journal that shows me monster data and drop information for Harpies would be really beneficial? In my mind the data could be things like:

  • Realm(s) where the creature is found

  • Weaknesses and/or immunities

  • Drops

Though I'm sure there are other things that could be incorporated as well.

It could even have a system where the more you defeat something or pick up a material, the more information you unlock? Or not, that's just another thought that I had.

I think it'd be a good way to further encourage exploration and combat as well as being a really useful way to keep track of where to find what resources, since it can be kind of a lot to try and remember what meat does what, or what realm has [xyz] thing in it when trying to track specific materials down.

I've put together a quick & rough mockup as a sort of example for a single entry.

Category Tags UI/UX, Crafting, Creatures/Enemies
Sentiment Feature Request
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