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Add Charms to add damage scaling with other attributes outside of melee/ranged damage

A lot of end game crafting looks like it comes down to stacking % damage increase of your choice (ranged/melee) with possibly critical damage % increases, and other stats are mostly passive benefits that you don't actually end up hunting for. Adding charms that change how damage is calculated (e.g. use health instead of weapon damage for your base attacks with 2 handed weapons, or consume a percentage of stamina to deal that much bonus damage each swing, or add elemental damage effects equal to your environmental resistance/poison resistance) could diversify end game builds and add value to hunting different monsters instead of some t4/t5 resources being fairly useless. Even if one build ends up being considered "meta", having signpost charms pointing players in the direction of certain builds can diversify what people decide to build (like the unarmed charms), even if it's not optimal, so more options that incorporate

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Tools/Gear
Mode Online
Sentiment Feature Request
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