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Some of the original tutorial back please?

I realize it is impossible to make everyone happy, but I miss the original tutorial quite a bit and the role Puck played in it. I played Nightingale when it was first released and then took a lengthy break for a year. I started playing again recently and enjoy a lot of the changes that were made. However, Nightingale's version of Puck is easily one of my favorite features about this game. In the original tutorial he guides you and teaches you how to survive and there is a relationship built between the player and him. A bond of mystery and guidance. You really get a feel of him watching you and pushing you to be self reliant alongside his aid. I can see in the new version of the game he was really pulled back on his overall presence and it has left me a bit dishearten.

This is mostly a request that deals more with the story than the game play itself, but some semblance of the original tutorial would be nice. I know that many probably got sick of the long tutorial and wanted less hand holding. Bringing in the option to make it skipable would help avoid that.

I know this is not a priority and I am unsure if anyone would agree with me. Just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Whoever is doing the dialog writing for Puck, you are doing an amazing job and it's such a huge reason why I really love this character.

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