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Potted plan colour tied to realm has odd consequences

Sooo, potted plants adopt the colour pattern of the realm right now. That's really cool at first glance and gives different outposts a different feel. Welp, here's the second glance. Tulip -> Purple+Blue. Coffee? Also Purple+Blue. Aloe? You guessed it, Purple+Blue. Sunflower? Yeah... -__-

It's not necessarily that the original pattern usually looks better but more so that there's no more variety. My Wlkin's Reach outpost looks incredibly lifeless and monochrome and I can't fix that.

In a nutshell, I'd like to have more control over my plant's colour or if that's not an option, not have them swap colours like this. I'd be super happy with a tick-box along the lines of "revert to natural colours". That'd give us both options.

Love the update, even if I'm nitpicking all day. Cheers o/

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