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Gear level changes

Gear Score
This system itself is perfectly fine, but can be confusing in one way in particular - Gear level requirements can be annoying sometimes, many players (like myself) are easily confused when finding ore, or wood that they don't have the gear score to mine or to chop. This is because the remaining gear score you need is from applying infusions or spells

Why does the current system not work as well in my opinion?
For example, you crafted your tool(s) in their BEST forms, using your highest obtainable tiers for materials at your point in progression, but your tool is still not high enough gear score for the next set of materials? I myself wanted to save and conserve my spells & infusions until I had better items I wouldn't throw away quickly, many people think the same thing especially new players. Many more do not expect these to increase gear score right off the bat

What do I believe should change?
Infusions & applied spells should not effect the determined gear score of the item, only the collective tier of all of the materials applied to craft said item. However, each item should still have a minimum gear score it can be based on the equipments tier itself i.e tier1 always has to have a minimum of 15, tier 2 for 25, tier2+ for 50 and so on. This makes the fluidity of progression for new players much more straightforward if they are unaware that gear score is upped by infusions/spells or they intend to save them for future items, unaware their cost to craft/apply. It also feels wasteful crafting any random ones to apply for additional gear score to gather resources, rather than using them based on preference and more out of necessity.

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Positive
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    • Guest
      Sep 22, 2024

      I agree this is confusing. Another solution would be to label infusions and other materials with the amount of gear score points that apply in the properties, which would be incredibly helpful and clarify this for players.