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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 17, 2024

Allow stairs to be flipped / mirrored, for symmetry!

Please allow staircases (and potentially other building pieces, as needed) to be flipped / mirrored horizontally.

I placed a Tudor Curved Staircase in the back right corner of my house, and it looks absolutely lovely. I want to place another one in the back left corner as well for semmetry, but the model retains the same orientation, so the entrances / exits are positioned differently.

We need an alternate model, flipped so that it can be used in any location.

Category Tags Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2024

    honestly, they should simply allow flipping vertical/horizontal on structural pieces overral. Would help a lot for roofing too.