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Make the Pepys Box hold all of our items

So really, one thing you hear complained about over and over is the travel between realms is just too slow. Well the idea of realms you can travel between is novel and a great idea, but the implementation is not great. We have a base in one realm and then constantly have to travel to other realms. So slow and this makes it a bit boring.

So, we have the Pepys box that works across realms. The simple solution here is that they make this have more slots so you can put everything into it. Then have at least one locations in each realm with crafting tables that will be needed at the proper level for that realm and a Pepys box there too. Have beds for sleep there to. Make it a fast travel point. Now you really have no need to go back to your base to craft and get items. You can get it right there in the realm you are in and quickly. The fast travel in the same realm is instantaneous, not slow like it is between two realms.

You would still have that home for those that love building homes. But for those that are just explorers, they actually wouldn't need any home at all if they didn't want one. They don't even actually need to make their own Pepys box, since any box will work to access your items that are stored.

Probably the 2nd most complained item in the game is all the different storage boxes you need and all the space they take in a base. Also trying to organize them so you can find them. I mean you are only trying to find them to put stuff in them. Pulling stuff out is mostly done through the crafting bench. Why not remove them all together and just pull from one common storage that exists across all realms, the Pepys Box?

You would only need to make the Pepys Box for your base (if you have a base). Out at some realm you are exploring, you just use the ones you find there. Wow, that would make this game so much more fun!

Category Tags Realm Travel
Mode Both Online & Offline
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