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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 18, 2024

The cost to repair tools and clothing is ridiculously cheap...

The cost to repair tools and clothing is ridiculously cheap, so cheap that it makes the equipment practically infinite. Moreover, the crafting bench becomes totally obsolete since there's no need to constantly craft tools, unless it's for a recruit, which left me very disappointed. I suggest making the tools breakable and only repairable at a specific bench, or making them be crafted again. Or at least, the repair cost should be so high that it would only be worth it in a moment of extreme necessity.

Category Tags Crafting, Difficulty
Mode Offline
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2024

    These problems, conversely, are problems that players who think “the status quo is fine” should be left alone, so there is almost no solution other than to make it possible to adjust the difficulty slider and other factors.

    A famous similar game is “Enshroud”, but that was balanced in such a way that the majority of players complained that the tools were too broken. That is how the difficulty slider was added, including that adjustment.

    So, I think we should expect to be able to “choose” the optional settings for each server, rather than simply forcing a more fragile balance on everyone than we have now.