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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

Overtuned Public Vaults (From Watch)

For two days, I've struggled to get any of the public vaults done. Currently, they appear to require three tier 3++ geared players to be completed. Which, makes sense on paper, but the practice is another matter entirely.

Right now, when a new player hits the Watch, they are given a quest to IMMEDIATELY jump into Vaults. I, myself, was excited to do Vaults again because of this. But most players are in the Tier 2+ to Tier 3 range by the time they reach the Watch (and that's if they didn't cheese their story with friends! No judgement!). So this means that ultimately, no one is geared to do these fights.

I'm not blaming the player here. It's natural to just want to enjoy the story. I didn't wanna upgrade to Tier 3++ yet either because I thought it would be fun to see how hard it would be. But because of this overtuning, not only are very few people doing Vaults, even less are completing them. I've tried running with people and they either leave half-way through or die, get discouraged, then leave. Leaving me with an unfinished quest and a little frustration.

I get the game just revamped, I get that there's probably a lower player average because of this. I also get that we'll get more players. But as it stands, Vaults are not very friendly to the new player base. I had the foresight to go back and min/max my gear, and advice on how to gear outside of vaults to better deal with them.

In summary, as it stands, Vaults should be retuned or their place in the progression path altered. If we want to move away from absolutely needing to be part of the Nightingale Discord to enjoy this game, Vaults should either be explained to be higher level content with warning labels or tune them so even a group of two players can take down the Vaults without too much frustration.

Category Tags Vaults, Quests, Tools/Gear
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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