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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 19, 2024

v0.5.1. Extract Essence - 1 stone, 1 wood = 10 T1 Essence

Although 0.5.1 modified the Extraction rate for Arrows, Extract Essence still gives too much T1.

1 stone + 1 wood = 1 Simple Wood Axe = 10 T1 Essence.

This is half the rate of Arrows but still too much.


  • Drastically reduce or outright disallow Extraction for Essence.

  • Change the Repair mechanic.

    • Since buildings can be repaired by simply whacking them with a Hammer, let gear be repaired by simply standing still out of combat or interacting with a Crafting Station. If the player stands still more for than a few seconds, they automatically start to repair their gear and durability of gear slowly increases.

    • This would also mean no in-combat repair.

    • Possibly allow enchanted gear to not degrade at all.

  • Limit Essence to crafting magical items.

  • Instead of Extracting unwanted gear, the player can Deconstruct to recover materials (especially legendary materials) and thereby retrofit their gear.

    • Since deconstructing furnishings gives 100% materials back, deconstructing gear/equipment can do the same.

    • A new Aid NPC POI type can be used to consume obsolete materials. In this type of POI, the NPC asks for a mix of crafted items, without specifying Tier or materials used to construct them. For example, an NPC might ask for a bunch of hinges and shafts.

    • Recycle materials into 1 wood, 1 stone, or 1 ore according to the materials used to make them.

  • Change the Tech Tree to be unlocked by trial-and-error crafting instead of buying unlocks.

    • To learn how to make something, the player attempts to craft or build it, increasing progress toward learning it by a random percentage range.

    • More advanced items can have a slower learning rate, resulting in more attempts required (and more materials consumed in the attempts).

    • Learning magic can be potentially very costly in Essence as it is consumed in each attempt. This further encourages players to do more POIs.

  • Limit Essence sources to:

    • Clearing POIs.

    • Possibly small amounts from defeating Bound enemies.

  • Change Challenges to give something other than Essence.

    • A tiny permanent buff could be granted according to the type of Challenge succeeded.

    • If Challenges only gave Essence, there is no point doing harder Challenges since you can just farm Essence.

  • Re-envision Bastille POIs:

    • They can potentially be Essence caches or traps for Wisps to capture their Essence.

    • The basic mechanisms are to avoid the cache from being released by nosy wildlife instead of intelligent humans as these structures were built long before humans were anticipated to roam the Realms.

Category Tags Resources, Difficulty
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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