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Crafting went from too complicated to too simple

I love a lot of the changes so far. One that bothers me is how crafting seems to have been flattened. Specifically, options for different playstyles.

Given the added ability to change the appearance of your tools and clothing, I was expecting the differences in clothing to be expanded, not removed entirely. I unlocked the tier 2 clothing and started looking to see how the different pieces differ...and found exactly the same stats. A big part of crafting an outfit before was figuring out what stats made the most sense for my playstyle. Even if there is one "best" set, according to the meta, having other options lets people choose what they like.

I also noticed that the choices at the top tier had been removed. Instead of Dauntless and Mystic being two choices between playstyles, they were placed one above the other. A big part of top-tier tool crafting for me was checking the stats and deciding which set made more sense for a given tool.

Category Tags Crafting, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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