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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 20, 2024

Structure Appearance Change

I think it would add a superb depth to building and gameplay if Two things were true.

A) If structures Visually degraded as they got damaged, think Magwytch Town, and so you could see if your building were in need of repair.

and B) The structures the player comes across in the realms (i.e. Magwytch Town) were Repairable with a certain Tier of Hammer. It could scale with the tileset the Structure is made from perhaps? A reason to make a Repair Hammer with a specific gear score.

I think this would open up ALOT of role playing possibilities, like restoring old run down towns to make them new again, and would also just be a neat way to live in a prefab structure but not always be stuck with broken walls and no ceilings.

A side note, Sconces and augments should be able to be affixed to prefab walls, many people are living in them and need the function.

Category Tags Visual/Art, Building
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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