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Charm of the Raven control issues

While it is undoubtedly THE way to travel over land, the Charm of the Raven is very dysfunctional in many other situations. Sometimes it doesn't go off, oftentimes it boosts where or how far you don't want it to.

To clarify:

1) Sometimes it doesn't go off. It seems to "recharge" when touching the ground but I find it suffers the same issue I reported with an unmodified umbrella: Sometimes it just won't glide. In this case, sometimes it won't boost. You just fall. Other times, glide works, but no boost.

2) I find the lack of control over just how high and when exactly it boosts very bad for many challenges in the game. The vaults, in particular, are an endless string of bad situations for that charm to have. You boost when you really don't and if you try to use it, you often notch against something and then it won't boost. Granted it's great for bosses, but until you get there, at least for me it was constant cursing until I made a second item that did not have it, so I could switch it out.

Some suggestions:

1) Make the boost-height depend on just how long you keep pressing the glide activation key. Essentially it stops boosting the moment you let go of that key.

2) Add a boost meter on screen that shows how much boost you have left until you hit the ground again. Or have it recharge when not used. May seem a bit Starfield, but their system isn't all bad either.

3) Add some kind of togglable wearable item (like a ring or an amulet) with this charm that can be placed on the quickbar for quick switching.

Category Tags Controls, Movement
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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