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Jana has way too many HP

This was really, really annoying. By the steam achievements I'm one of very few to make it to the watch. I would bet it's even fewer of us who have bested Jana.

Jana has an unreasonable number of hit points. At least two orders of magnitude too many

I get it, it's supposed to be a multiplayer fight, and if there were 5 or 6 of us, that probably would have been a fun challenge. However there aren't enough people at The Watch to get a group and the Ascended Realms are gated behind at least one Jana Kill.

You need to switch that order or make Jana reasonable to solo. I love this game and I almost said to hell with it. TWO HOURS! to beat through that pile of HP.

It wasn't a fun or challenging fight, just a slog through what seemed to be Millions, possibly Ten Million HP, a few thousand at a time.

Please, either check for a party or don't lock the Ascended Realms behind the Jana kill. Quatermain and Shiv should both know you need a party to beat them, they should be looking for a party and while you wait help the person who wants some T4 essence.

That would keep the challenge, and still let people who don't have a pile of friends, or the luck to be playing with others online, past the roadblock. As it is I suspect people think that The Watch is the end of the game.

Category Tags Realm Travel, Creatures/Enemies, Combat, Difficulty
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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