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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 21, 2024

I would like a way to keep specific amounts of resources in my inventory when I transfer equivalent to storage

I like to travel with resources to craft various magical buildings for fast travel, storage etc but I'm constantly having to fish the resources out of my stock after unloading. Or I have to remember to craft them, then deconstruct them before I leave again.

I would much prefer a tab/pouch where I can stash a limited number of slots worth of any item. Or some other way to keep these materials on hand while still using the equivalent button on the rest of my inventory.

Right-click to add them to the "equipped" group could be a more immediate option. An ideal fix would prevent these selected materials from accumulating more of the same, that way any more materials than I select will still transfer out with equivalent. A perfect solution would have all this happening in one single backpack slot so I don't need two for one material at different counts.

Category Tags Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
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