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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Suggested tweaks from the first couple hours

I'm only a couple hours in, but I am loving the new update so far. The new progression tree is really great and really clarifies what my next steps should be, the changing of the tutorial reads really well so far. I'm just about to enter my first site of power so I'm not very far yet, but I wanted to share some minor nitpicks I came across in those first couple hours.

  • When first loading in, those floating orbs seemed like I was supposed to follow them for the sake of the tutorial, but every time I got close to one, they ran away in the opposite direction of the questline, usually going behind me or into some random corner. Are they meant to help guide the player? If so, might be good to tweak their AI to ensure they go the direction you need them to go. If not, maybe find new places to put them in the area that doesn't immediately read as much as a "go here" signal?

  • I had a random enemy ambush me while I was looting the very first tutorial chest. I assume that wasn't intended - maybe make sure his range isn't close enough to the chest to be a problem. The very first enemy should usually be one that the players can get the drop on, so they can ready themselves for combat

  • Later on, when collecting my gear... I found the bow & arrow, and the game told me to go into the progression tree to receive my free unlocks of both the bow and the arrow. I unlocked the bow, and spent another few minutes trying to find the arrow to unlock it as well. Eventually I realized the bow & arrow were covered by the same unlock. I would suggest looking into better ways to call this out - there are a lot of unlocks that cover multiple items but not always a clear visual indicator of when that's happening. I know that unlocks that give multiple items have stacked cards, but imo they're stacked so tightly that at a glance it's easy to miss. Maybe have the cards splayed out just a little more, or have them float apart when mouse over, or have the tooltip include the list of unlocks, or... I dunno, something, so it's easier to know what I've unlocked.

These are all just nitpicks, nothing major. Just some small things I think would really help to polish the new player experience a bit. Otherwise, very happy with the game so far and can't wait to keep playing! Thank you for working so hard on this update, HUGE step in the right direction!

Category Tags UI/UX, Quests, Combat
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2024

    The orbs are a means of farming essence. THey do not have anyhting to do with questing. They are just there as a resource.