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A downvote for the storied realms with static maps.

I realize that I may be one of the minority in this, but I hit a pretty big wall when it comes to the Realms Rebuilt update. I will admit that many of the updates look quite good. But the emphasis on having progression tied to a linear storyline through static realms does not appeal to me in the least. What I had liked about Nightingale previously was the thrill of exploring procedurally generated realms. For me, this kept the re-playability of the game high. While I understand that this part of the game still exists in the untamed realms, there doesn't seem to be any way of avoiding the static maps if you wish to progress at all. I am hoping that a future update may introduce a different play mode or allow for some way to uncouple overall progression from static maps.

Category Tags Other, Realm Travel
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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      Sep 22, 2024

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