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Requiring a game mecanic that's ok, at best

Why does it seem that game designers come up with a game mecanic that's ok, then force it's use on an exteneded basis to move foward. The flying umbrella is nice. Anyone of my age remembers it from Mary Popins. I had a bad moment when I saw the third level but then it seemed that you had made the things you had to use it for not that bad. I mean, yeah the umbrella doesn't deploy sumtimes and you plumet to your death before you can reach for it, but it's not as the you have to use it to move the game forward. Oh, spent a whole day, in the well twice, once used up the ubrella then again using up the umbella and back up umbella as well. I swear if you put a button in the well that said "Push to avoid inaccuate jump/flying through a crowded area where you HAVE to land on the jump pad" you'd be amazed at how often it gets pushed. Even making the flying first person so you could actually aim to try and land somewhere. I get that there are people who love to try over and over at a challenge you have to understand thet there are those of us that will try a few times then look for a way around.

Category Tags Quests, Movement
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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      Sep 26, 2024

      I haven't come across the quests/challenges using the umbrella yet, but I like to use it in my regular gameplay. I've noticed it's buggy; holding space will deploy it for a second, and it'll get stuck on trees and make you fall, and it doesn't slow you down after a long fall. It definitely needs some polish.