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Fae Mystical Plants: Greenhouses

Wanted to pitch this suggestion I had from my previous posts.

Concept: Fae plants are fickle, only growing under certain conditions, so to accommodate we make Greenhouses, but it isn't enough as we must accommodate with a special glass: Fae Mirrors that reflect the ideal growth conditions for the plants (e.g. red sun, cold tundra sky, etc), a trick from some high Fae who kept unique plants rediscovered, herbologists learned this special Fae glass to trick the fickle plants to mature once again


• Fae Plants: These are special plants that hold unique properties (e.g. Produce fire, water, toxic gas, special floating fruits, or explosive pomegranates, etc). Only Grow in certain biomes and conditions.

• Greenhouses: Structures meant to emulate the conditions for plants, with one special quality "Fae Mirrors", glass imbued with Fae magic to not only let light come through, but act as a looking glass to the ideal environment, be it a snowy tundra, a bright green sun, or a overcast rainy day, it tricks those plants into growing in confined greenhouse.

• Plant Pets: Opportunity to plant and grow your own little Eoten, roaming around, maybe following you from time to time. Additional features may be the pet will jump onto your crafting station, curious what you are doing.

• Defensive Plants: Possibly part for the future, plants of fae origin could be germinated in greenhouses, until maturity then moved outside to protect your homestead from any hostile mobs or bound. These could be simple triggered fire plants, to hostile immobile eoten or whip plants. Similarly the new Corrupted Mushrooms animations could be repurposed for our own friendlier version

• Materials: Unique new materials could be experimented with, or even include new plants that only apply to certain tools, weapons, or clothing, but don't have universal stats.

Category Tags Building, Farming, Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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    • Guest
      Sep 23, 2024

      Additionally, unique mushrooms, new plant based tools that would be a Harry potter herbologists dreams, mushroom umbrellas, or even some crazy throwable plants that do some interesting effects, such as temporary low gravity or such.