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The inventory system is terrible

I am having a hard time getting behind this game. I want to play and progress but OMG the inventory is the worst out of all the crafting survival games that I have. Unless I am missing something (please enlighten if so), here are the things that drive me nuts:

  • No sorting - I should be able to sort by weight, type, etc.

  • Weight - Except for 'hardcore' players, I can't imagine anyone wants to be SO limited by both slots and weight. And then so, the weight is so low.

  • The visual is bleh. It's hard to find items that we are looking for. Some form of label over the item would be helpful.

I keep jumping in the game, go to gather and then realize I can only carry like 5-6 trees worth and I have no idea what's taking up all of my space - I can't find the problem items.

Category Tags Inventory
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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    • Guest
      Sep 24, 2024

      There is a button at the bottom where clicking it will cycle through sorting options.

      When you look at something it really should tell you what you are looking at, e.g., is that Cruide Plant Fibre or actually Oats? Or the ore node that looks the same shiny white colour is actually cobalt instead of magnesium.