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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 25, 2024

More companions and enhance their Interactions for a better overal basebuilding experience

It would add to the gameplay experience to have multiple NPCs at your base performing various tasks and (maybe) interacting with furniture? This would add life and purpose to building, making your creations feel less lonely and more meaningful.

Having multiple NPCs doing different activities also gives more functionality, motivates to create multiple rooms, and improves the overall base-building experience, adding depth to it. I mean you can already create a lot of beautiful furniture and decorations (Augments), but they currently feel like mere fancy pieces without any real interaction from your companions. At least for me it would give me a sense of purpose to create something cozy for my fellow companions and things to do =)

Category Tags Building, NPCs, Farming, Recruitable NPCs (Companions), Respite Realm
Mode Both Online & Offline
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