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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Wild and Domestic Animals

Hello. I would like to appreciate work done in Nightingale. From Early Acces it take long journey and latest update show how much Nightingale can be awesome <3 I love idea of Hand-Made worlds. They're just brilliant.

But i see them sometimes empty. Not empty like nothing in here, but with same creatures. Is there any chance to have like 2 new creatures like small animals like beaver in forest realm. Or even instead just boar and deer to see also a foxes? I think it make the nature much more colorful. Even if they want to add snwo biome they can be a polar foxes. With some ''enchantment'' from our creators <3

Also i am curious if we ever get creatures like chickens, turkeys or cows for doomestic animals. So we can use eggs, milk and meat from our animals what we catch and take home. It would be awesome to see something like that.

And once again thank you for your newest update <3 It's awesome how much it is a big change to better :)

Category Tags Creatures/Enemies
Mode Both Online & Offline
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