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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 28, 2024

Sugestions for a better exploration experience

I think the game needs more purpose and/or a rewards when exploring the untamed realms. It would be enough for me if you could add collectable items to the game, e.g. human relics in the human chests and fae items in the fae ruins that you can collect. As a simple example: there are 6 different Fae shards, which then unlock a recipe for a Fae vase that you can craft once you have found all the shards. It doesn't have to be a great epic item that you find. Just a nice item for my house. It would make me feel like a treasure hunter and archaeologist a la Indiana Jones. The only thing missing is the whip ... ;) Or, as Wickitt and JadenBunny suggested, integrate factions for which you can complete tasks. And, for example, different clothes depending on the faction, which you can use in the Glamour Station to change the look of the clothes. I would definitely think that would be very cool. Or there are various glyphs scattered in ruins on the map that give you access to a secret cave/vault once you've found them all. Or a portal into an even deeper Fae wilderness thats extremly dangerous.
Category Tags Realm Travel
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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