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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 30, 2024

1-3 minute loading screens when traveling anywhere

it takes roughly 45-180 seconds for a portal to open. once i walk through the portal, it takes 30-180 seconds for the realm to be ready. if i forget something and need to go back to base... i could easily log into the game and spend the first 10 minutes in loading screens. i have gigabit internet, 16-core processor, 64gb memory, gen 5 m.2 and 24gb gpu. why does it take so long to connect to servers and load the game going from realm to realm. this is my biggest complaint. it is remiscent of load times from console games in the early 2000s. i understand, procedural generation takes some juice but you need to figure out a way to cache the last 4-5 places you've been to [in-game] so traveling between realms is nearly instant. i've played around 100 hours and i bet i've spent 5 hours in loading screens. this is unacceptable for a game in 2024.... it is so PS3

Category Tags Realm Travel, Portals
Mode Online
Sentiment Critical
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