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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2024

Welken's Reach blessing timer limit is catching most players :)

So on Discord people were getting stuck as Shekiel's Blessing to let you enter The Well is when people want to clear their inventory. My team mate just independently got stuck there, too. I remember doing it :) Looks like almost everyone inevitably goes to dump their stuff, gets distracted, loses the Blessing.

Two solutions:

  • Just don't time limit it?

  • Make the message much clearer that YOU NEED TO GET IN THE WELL NOW OR YOU'LL GO SPLAT because this game is a lovely bundle of distractions and the vast majority of quests are do-them-when-you-feel-like-it. Maybe even a pop-up we have to click to acknowledge the Blessing?

Welken's Reach is a gorgeous bit of design on a number of criteria, just this one player perception hitch holding it back.

Category Tags Quests
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Positive
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  • Guest
    Sep 25, 2024

    I'm having the same issue plus the timer on the puzzle seems to be randomly extremely short.

  • Guest
    Sep 14, 2024

    Agreed - they should just make it so if you've done the pre-req on a character, the buff always appears when you get near the well. Easy peasy

  • Guest
    Sep 13, 2024

    Yeah, I agree. If it can not be time-limited, that would be fantastic and the best option since being time-limited is naff anyway. But at the very least, if you did, it should have a large timer indicating it to the player.