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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 1, 2024

Bramble Wall Enchantment Feedback

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to provide feedback in regards to the late game enchantment Bramble Wall.

As of current, this enchantment sees very little use, with the extremely small area, low damage, very late access, and honestly very narrow amount of uses available, all of which combine to cause it to be sub-par and relegated to the "ignore" pile. And for better or worse, very limited ways to actually remove the walls once casted beyond waiting out the timer or breaking them, as not even Dispel effects impact them, and with high magick making the timer and HP -very- long/high, causing that to be not really be feasible. This means they will often block -you- as well when you're done using them.

All taken together, this makes for a very difficult to use, sometimes quite frustrating, and very lack-luster enchantment.

The single place it really kind of works is in narrow Fae Vaults to block off a walkway or two. Which is so niche as to be less than really useful, and still suffers from lack of removal aspects.

As such, I would like to suggest a few potential changes that could bring this enchantment into much greater usefulness.

  • Make the walls created targetable by Dispel effects.
    This allows for the Player to clear the field when done.

  • Increase the damage dealt to enemies from the wall.
    This damage is incredibly low, even with high magick, that it feels on a completely abysmal level compared to the one that Eoten's can use.

  • Allow for the walls length to be increased by charging it up, or with the Caster's magick power.
    This allows for larger constructions and situations, ideally having it chargeable allows for it to tailored more towards the environment currently in, and would be my choice of the two.

  • Allow the enchantment to "target" a creature, and create a prison around them in a circle (decent size so they can still sort of move), in addition to creating a wall when -not- targeting a creature.
    This gives it a use to immediately separate an enemy from the fight, allowing greater combat control to the Caster. If done in this way, Bramble "Prisons" should be significantly lower health to allow for enemies to break through eventually, and should be immediately targeted by enemies when imprisoned.
    Simply having this as an option would bring versatility to the enchantment, which it sorely needs

Whichever avenue taken to improve this enchantment would be welcome, as the more tools available for Players to use, and more unique and imaginative ways they can be used, the more enjoyable and diverse the combat experience becomes.

As always, I would like to thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game.

Kind Regards,


Category Tags Collisions, Creatures/Enemies, Combat
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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  • Guest
    Oct 1, 2024

    Sorry, that I must add a note on this.

    "Hey this spell does not work very well" =>Problem of the player who use it. What is really annoying are the players who use it. They ever run in his own bramble wall? They notice anything?

    Watch/Vaults, some players love a bramble wall around the endboss... very nice... especially if a melee fighter is on board.

    No, it's not the problem that "creatures" means ALL creatures, let passing players would be a little bit absurd. But:

    A) This behaviour is not consistent, the other spells don't damage other players.

    B) May extent the text for the spell about this?