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Nightingale Community Portal

Same item Different teir

We would really like to see a change to same items in different tiers. If for no other reason than verities sake. The items I am referring too are the different fibers and trees. Like holt bloom and ribbon wood. We are little loot goblins and mat hoarders. We keep just about everything until it is obsolete (which, it can then be used for building). We love the customization to crafting. It is just ok how it is but I would like it to look different at the different tiers. Or be a totally different plant. At least be different color variations.

On that same note... I would like to be able to plant the "special" trees in my respite. For design purposes. If possible.

Just a little love note: I love how far you guys have come. Seeing the game take off has been so wonderful. There is so much potential in this game. Thank you! Oh and the art work.. I just have to stop and stare sometimes. <3

Category Tags Crafting, Resources, Visual/Art, Other, Building, Inventory, Farming
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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