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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 8, 2024

Letter to the Inflexion Team

I have thought about how to start this letter to the whole Inflexion team. I think I'll start with the most important thing: I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you. For your wonderful work and the great game you are creating.

I've been playing video games for 30 years and have played many games that have thrilled me. But Nightingale is a step (at least) above that. From the idea behind the game, to the concept arts and the immense creativity it contains, to the release in Early Access to involve the gamers in the development process.

The game has triggered a fascination in me that keeps me awake at night, raving and reflecting on the world of Nightingale. The incredibly beautiful worlds you have created, the opportunity to immerse yourself in an infinite variety of worlds, to discover buildings of monumental proportions and fascinating creatures in a visual and auditory beauty that I have never experienced before. What I've seen so far is already beyond any limit of creativity I could imagine myself. But hey... that's your job to do ,) . For me, Nightingale is not the game of the year, but the game of my life.

I'll post some ideas I've had recently on the feedback board in the next few days. Whether these things will appear in the game is almost beside the point. This feeling of "back to a childlike wonder", as Aaryn aptly put it in his preface to the art book, and the inspiration Nightingale has awakened in me are really blowing my mind right now.

I could write so much more, but I don't want to take up your precious time, which is much better spent developing the game ;)

Thanks to you all!

In the style of the 19th century: I remain respectfully and with best regards from Frankfurt

Yours sincerely Tom a.k.a Sabertom on Steam

P.S. I started reading Jonathan Strange and Dr. Norrell yesterday.

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