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Workspace Feedback
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 12, 2024

Suggestions for improving NPC Follower/Companion Experience

I know there are plenty of improvements on the way for followers, but after playing for a while, I feel I have a good handle on a handful of core things that would vastly improve the experience of using them.

1. Let us pick up, rotate, and manually place a follower the same as we can a piece of furniture or augment. When placing a follower this way, it would automatically activate the 'stand still' command.

2. Give us a 'summon follower' button that makes them run to us if nearby, or teleport to us if they're far away. Very handy for when we need them and they're not pathing or teleporting to us for some reason.

3. Allow us to turn on build/craft from storage for followers. I realize this would have to work slightly differently, so that other players can't build with the things our followers are carrying.

4. Let us manage our follower's inventory from the same screen as our own inventory, provided they're within a certain range. In other words, when I open my inventory, add a tab for follower's inventory on the left. From there, let me use the Move All and Equivalent buttons, or drag individual things to the tab to drop them in the follower's inventory.

These are by no means the only things I'd like to see added, but I think these things would go a LONG way to making followers less irritating to use at a basic level. We could do basic building from anywhere on our estates by using them as a mobile building box, we could place them manually instead of trying to get them to stand in a certain spot when needed, and we could make it smoother and more elegant to deposit/withdraw things into/from their inventories.

Category Tags Recruitable NPCs (Companions)
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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