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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 14, 2024

Address Cards do not show any label when inserting into Portal - you have to guess

So I had 3 Realm cards, one to a new building in Welken's Reach owned by Izza

2 were Izza, mine & Kerrys' shared Abeyance Realm we all Respite to.

Inserting into a Crude Portal we cannot see any label, had to guess.

Guessed the right most hoping it would stay in order, it was the left most :)

The workaround is dropping every Address Card but the one you want to use.
Would be nice to just display the same labels in the Portal interface as we see in the Inventory, please.

Thank you very much for all the work - you guys rock!

Category Tags Realm Cards
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Positive
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  • Guest
    Sep 25, 2024

    You can tell which is which while in the inventory, so as a work around I open my inventory and drop all the address cards except the one I want to use, open the portal, then hold interact to pick all the cards back up. Still... the portal interface showing the full tooltip would be waaaay better...