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Nightingale Community Portal

Minor Card Display on Portals

In the UI for reactivating a dormant portal, it shows us the Major Realm card active and its effects on the right side (eg, "Ascended Gloom Swamp", etc.). However, it does not show us which Minor Cards, if any, may be active in the realm. It feels like this is information we should have access too, especially if it's a realm we've visited before, and it would be helpful for recalling details ("Which realm was I fishing in again? Oh right, here's that Angler minor.") There's even plenty of blank space in the UI below the Major card details that it could reside in.

Category Tags UI/UX, Building, Realm Travel, Realm Cards, Portals
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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    • Guest
      Oct 25, 2024

      This would be useful, also the time in the realm could also be displayed. Though, the current way to know is go through and press M as soon as we manifest in the realm.