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Created by Guest
Created on Oct 29, 2024

Crossbow as alternative to slingbow.

i'd like to see a crossbow as an extra weapon type. not a replacement of the slingbow, but an addition that uses bolts (not arrows as those are different). basically a return to the old slingbow that was not AOE only, but allows for both parties to have a Area Of Effect Slingbow, and a not AOE crossbow. Or just bring back regular marbles as an option. either way works.

Category Tags Tools/Gear
Mode Both Online & Offline
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    • Guest
      Nov 1, 2024

      For a culture that has figured out the crossbow, the bow is actually a step backward even though it was discovered first.

      The reason is, it is harder to learn how to properly use a bow at long distances whereas crossbows are "direct fire" weapons. It is easier to train people how to use a crossbow even though a bow was superior in performance. Also, holding a bow at full draw to aim actually requires a lot of arm strength.

      Therefore although we have the slingbow, regular crossbow bolts should be alternate ammunition.