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Controller D-Pad Sensitivity Causing Combat Issues

I dont know if this is just a me issue... I use a controller on PC and find that the d-pad selection can lead to difficulty during encounters. For example, I may try to change my weapon by tapping Left D-pad, but I end up in Build mode because it is down d-pad tap. Or I hold L-Dpad + right stick, select the item i want in the radial, then when i release I find myself in build mode ---mind you during battle! Sometimes i try to change my item using hold L-dpad + right stick, select the item i want to wield, end up in build mode then when i leave build mode and i am using my previous item --- not the one i selected last.

Sorry if this doesnt make sense. Sorry if you all have addressed this as known issue. I dont think it is an issue with my controller or a layer 8 issue. My suggestion would be an OPTION to have to hold DOWN-D-PAD to enter build mode. the problem here, is there is already a hold left d-pad, which is where some of the input issues occur. the controller doesnt know if i want to change weapons, go into build mode, use the weapon radial etc.

Even if this is an isolated issue, before release i think it would be wise to have some sort of option to require a button press of x seconds to enter build mode. so in my case, i would set it to Down-pad hold for 20sec or something. i dont need to enter build mode immediately, right? this isnt fortnight.

I am on win11 so i'd be happy to Quick Assist and show you the issue.

Love the game and concept. I really hope you make it all the way!

Category Tags UI/UX, Building, Creatures/Enemies, Controls, Combat, Movement, Difficulty
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Critical
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