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Farming animals / getting pets / trapping animals

Previously (not sure if it still exists in the same way) Harpies can know if there's wood nearby either on your person or in a container, and try to steal your wood if it is in a container.

Using a similar mechanic, we can have a mechanic where:

  • You place food or drugged food in a container and leave it out in the wilderness.

  • Some creature goes to eat it. They are drugged and you can drag them off to be slaughtered or domesticated. Or they come to rely on it and become your friend. Either way, on a chance basis, you can get a special item inside your container instead of the animal just eating it and running off.

  • This item lets you build a furnishing that is similar to what we currently have as a pet bed -- it spawns a docile pet near the bed.

  • Now we have a pet or farm animal and we can do basic tasks to feed and nurture it for ... whatever. This can be done manually with interaction, or special furnishings like a food trough, dog bowl, water bowl, etcetera for all the animals to go to for food and water.

Category Tags Resources, Building, Creatures/Enemies
Mode Both Online & Offline
Sentiment Feature Request
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