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First slot of consumables unequips itself

The first slot of my consumables consistently unequips itself. I am not sure when it is happening, I notice it most often when I am unpacking inventory and opening and closing storage containers upon returning to respite.
4 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

lost everything

I have been plaything this for a bit, but i started over on the offline mode, i just beat all the content utill the apex vult. i had tones of ter 4 items in chest and i was trying to short them, then for whatever reason it crashed it had never don...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Einadia ore/ingot weight

Hello! I noticed, that 1 piece of einadia ore weights 6 kg. Isn't it too much? I have made a pistol of this material and it weights 42 kg. Rifle - 41 kg. Does my character have supernatural strength? Please, fix this bug. WBR, Denis
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

My realm was reset after stuttering

I had gone back to Abeyance to experiment with minor cards. I had applied the Treasury card to farm essence since I figured I should just be able to use the Crossways to go back to my Sylvan's Cradle realm. I opened my map and returned to corssway...
about 2 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Companion inventory loses inventory after traveling realm

While in another realm I filled my companion's inventory with wood, ore, and other items. Upon returning home their inventory was reset to only their equipped items.
6 months ago in Bugs 3 Under Investigation

Lost -everything-

My wife and I have been playing this game for a bit. After doing the tutorial, we set up our primary base in Abeyance.We spend a whole weekend setting up an incredibly complex house with every crafting station in its own designated space. We had t...
3 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Unable to Swap Equipped Items with Gamepad

Description: Unable equip items by swapping when using the gamepad. When pressing the equip button, items will only go into empty slots State: Actively investigating Workarounds: - Use Keyboard and Mouse to Swap Equipped Items To help the Developm...
6 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

all items in my inventory disappeared

I was in Hunt Forest realm for the first time, and was scouting around the location of the Elder Eotan and fought some bound. Then I noticed all the items in my inventory were gone including the 2 Ritual Fabled Meat, Tier 3++ Climbing Picks, Tier ...
4 months ago in Bugs 2 Under Investigation

material disappearing when moved

when i moved my materials ( last time lumber) i took out a small amount from the chest to use and when i came back to get more they were gone completely from the chest as if ive moved it all but they where nowhere to be seen, happened also when i ...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation

Moving A Clothing Item In Inventory Unequips The Equivalent Item

When you have an item in your inventory that you move to a storage container it unequips the equivalent item from your character and slots it in your inventory. As an example, if I have a hat in my inventory and drag that to a storage container it...
4 months ago in Bugs 1 Under Investigation