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Pet/Beast taming and use (mount, farming, fighting)

Add Pet/Beast taming and use (mount, farming, fighting, magik,etc ). Maybe include an advanced animal taming/training mode
about 15 hours ago in Feedback 0 Open

Jana restore health randomly

Hello, today, during the fight with Jana, it happened to me several times that he would recover life completely randomly during the fight, so while we were fighting. My partner and I brought him up to almost half life and from that moment he spawn...
1 day ago in Bugs 0 Open

Killed vault boss, still registering as a running infestation

Died about three times to the boss, it never regenerated and continued the fight. Killed it and it fell through the floor and the vault registers as still in progress.
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Brute + salvation broken inside bunker

I went in a story Magwytch swamp bunker, small dungeon, in the 3rd room after rest it was a defend the extractor bullshit, I activated it, a brute came, and when I beat them down to phase 2, it started randomly running around and regenerating to 1...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Fabled harpy meat is too rare

Many of us are spending all of our time just trying to get this one item. Something seems very wrong with this drop. Obviously it's very strong and should be a very low chance, but I've killed nearly 500 harpies and haven't seen a single meat. The...
4 months ago in Feedback 13 Open

Immured Metal "HP" should not scale with the boss difficulty.

The further you advance in the waves, the longer it takes to mine the immuried metal needed to make the columns. I don't know if this is intentional, but as a result, you spend more time to mine than fighting the boss when you're reach like the 20...
3 months ago in Feedback 3 Open

unable to crouch vault or use climbing picks, also cant harvest

i dont know hwat causes it but occasionally when i use my climbing picks ill lose the ability to reuse them and then i cant crouch or vault ive also noticed that sometimes it also makes it so i cant harvest animal corpses
5 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Add Storied Realm Bosses as Vault Bosses

I love the Storied Realms bosses, they were all engaging and had unique mechanics. I'd love to see them appear in higher tiers in some way, Vault seems like the easiest answer. This would also allow some of their materials to be available at highe...
5 months ago in Feedback 7 Open

Increase Aggro/Threat generation of AI companions

Hey folks, first I want to say thank you to the whole team for an amazing game! I was hoping you could increase the threat generated by AI companions so that enemies attention is divided between the player and their AI Companion. You could also c...
5 months ago in Feedback 2 Open

blot the bull goat field boss runs to the ocean every time i shoot him

Every time i try to take out blot the bull goat he runs so fast i cant keep up and his jumping back and forth makes him very dificult to shoot and keep up heaven forbid i have to reload while i jump glide across the swamp to catch up. he takes off...
17 days ago in Bugs 0 Open