Glitter patterns are not matching the selected eyeshadows. 2 for 1 bug
glitter transparent layer mismatch with the actual eyeshadow. and when turning it to 0 when saving its back to 100 again when looking at the character screen
Quest line: Magwytch Marshes - Main questBelly of the BeastTalk to Oisin McAvoy The NPC outside the entry will not open the gate to the site of power. Keeps saying that factories need xyz I have completed it all (obvious as I wouldn't have the Bel...
I activated the switch in the powerplant, then logged off for the day. Upon returning the switch would not activate but the quest still demands activation, resetr the realm, did not fix.
Morisio I can't feel my legs, I can't move it move it anymore
After being immobilized by an enemy and revived by another player, my character can no longer move, but I can use other things such as a climbing pick or other things in the inventory , but also interact further with the world.
Inside the Sylvan's Cradle Site of Power you get weather elements
I noticed that on the 3rd level down (entrance being 0) that if you go to the outer walls you'll gain weather elements if any are going on outside. I happened to notice as I was taking damage from hail. Moving in a couple of steps gets you the she...
Fionn's Wrath animation replaying when loading into the area again.
After casting the Fionn's Wrath spell, whenever the player loads into the area again at a later date, the animation and sound replay at the location again.