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Clothing slots

If im wearing the clothes ... they shouldnt take up bag space
5 months ago in Feedback 3 Open
104 VOTE

Please consider making a fireplace for more building sets

It's a bummer building a campfire in the middle of my Tudor bedroom because I need the Warmth buff lol, and the only fireplace I see is in Steve (dammit, Steve). Getting even simple fireplaces earlier would be a great thing :)
6 months ago in Feedback 9 Open

social menu is broken

My friend and I cannot create/join a party that either of us create
about 1 month ago in Bugs 5 Open
104 VOTE

Garden Tileset

There is some desire from numerous players of having gardens. Unfortunately, plant boxes and pots don't quite cut it in building a real garden. Someone else suggested having garden soil as a foundation. Other tiles that could work for this would b...
6 months ago in Feedback 6 Open
101 VOTE

Learn all free recipes single button

The ability to use a single button to unlock all the free recipes on each crafting tier in the progression tree would be apricated, so we don't need to click through every tab unlocking each recipe individually.
6 months ago in Feedback 11 Open

Blue/purple beezleboar products display as green

When customizing gear, the blue/purple beezleboar fiber/hide/leather displays in preview, but once you click "customize" and view the gear outside the menu it displays as the green beezleboar materials instead.
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

What is the point of speeding 600 tier 4 on metal customization .

I just spent 600 tier 4 on Metal customization and Nothing changes none of my crafting tables reflect any thing. I am confused is this broken ?
3 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

Glamor Station is giving the wrong colors

Bugs in the Glamor Station: (1) When selecting animal fiber, hide, or leather colors in the Glamor station after completing the change the color ends up wrong on the outfit. (2) Also when changing colors in the Glamor station the view flashes back...
4 days ago in Bugs 0 Open

The new dye system is great!! Now PLEASE give us black fabrics and black leathers.

Seriously, I appreciate the hell out of you guys for making the dye system a thing. I actually had a blast running around and picking up everything that could add dyes in my base, and spent a whole evening having fun with the system and giving my ...
10 days ago in Feedback 0 Open

social menu is still broken

Cant' add players to party even though posts say it has been fixed. was just in the watch and other players could not get people to join's like the request is not being sent or if it is it's not putting a response field to accept. The inv...
25 days ago in Bugs 6 Open